Tuesday, January 18

we're on our way

After months of moving around Gaborone Botswana we have returned to America.  We arrived 7 Dec in Chicago and have been visiting family and friends ever since.  Its been so good to be back.  We have been able to visit most family on both sides and a good number of friends.
David and I are really looking forward to unpacking and settling into our new apartment in Spokane Washington.  That will happen in February.  Until then David is in Alaska helping our friend Paul Hadfield, of Arctic Barnabas, fix an airplane.  Meanwhile I, Stephanie, will continue my visit in Chicago until after my sister Tina's golden birthday.  David and I will then meet up in LA to visit his brother and fam. Finally to end up in Spokane Washington where we'll get to settle into our new apartment.  
Why Spokane?  Before leaving Botswana we'd been really seeking out what God wanted us to do. We had three options, Chicago: near my family; LA: for a possible job opportunity for David; or Spokane WA: to earn a flight instructor rating through Moody Bible Institute.   Our goal and prayers is to return overseas to do missions through aviation and to keep David flying.  In answer to our prayers God shut the doors on both Chicago and LA but had them wide open for Spokane. So there we will go.  David will attend Moody and earn his flight instructor rating - this will give him the missing flight hours he needs until he'll have enough to apply for a Technical Evaluation with a mission.  Also through some folks at our church in Spokane we'll have an apartment for free. And God's given us a car that's also waiting for us there.    

So we're looking forward to what God has in store for us on this next chapter in our lives.  We pray he'll continue to prepare us for the future and continue to bind us together.  

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